Lander & Associates
Non Profit Consulting

Resume of Experience

Image ©Red Scarf Shots
Susan has extensive experience and qualifications in the following discplines:
Executive Mentorship - Strategic Planning - Board Development - Interim Leadership Positions
Arts Organization Management
Development - Private and Corporate Donor Relations, Private and Public Grant Management, Capital Campaigns
Special Event Coordination - Fundraisers; Conferences; Workshops; Staff, Board and Community Retreats
Professional Profile & Relevant Experience
Lander & Associates, LLC 2012 - present Durango, Colorado
Non-Profit consultant developing fundraising and marketing plans for non-profits throughout Southwest Colorado including:
The Liberty School
Bear Smart
Mountain Studies Institute
Montezuma School to Farm.
Southern Ute Community Action Program’s - currently developing a capital campaign including marketing, for the new Head Start facility in Ignacio, CO.
Durango Area Tourism Office, Interim Executive Director 2012-2013 Durango, Colorado
Interim executive director June 2012, through January 2013
Working with staff and board to maintain and organize the organization
Music in the Mountains, Executive Director 2001-2012 Durango, Colorado
Lead non-profit through more than eleven years of unprecedented growth.
Produced 10 three-week classical music festivals consisting of forty plus concerts at eleven venues across Southwest Colorado and New Mexico.
Tripled annual contributions to more than $1 million and doubled festival attendance.
Expanded school outreach program to include youth at risk and incarcerated youth.
Women’s Resource Center, Executive Director 1994-2000 Durango, Colorado
Built small community support center into thriving non-profit recognized locally and statewide for innovation and excellence.
Increased annual budget by 600% and quadrupled staff and membership by 400% in six years.
Oversaw extensive growth in community relations and networking with existing agencies.
Founded numerous programs that received statewide recognition including an annual community conference and a women’s empowerment training program.
Successfully launched and completed capital fund campaign to secure permanent home for the center.
Topo Machinery 1985-1994 El Paso, Texas; Mexico City
Partner and Co-founder of International sales and service small business.
Distributed mining equipment to North American mines, primarily in Mexico.
Boards of Directors
Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame, Denver, Colorado, Rural Outreach - 2012 - present
Women’s Resource Center, Advisory Board, 2010 - present
Community Resource Center, Denver, Colorado, 1997 - 2013
El Pomar Foundation Awards for Excellence Commissioner, 2007 -2012
Durango Area Tourism Office, Treasurer, 2007 -2012
El Pomar Foundation Southwest Regional Council, 2002–2012
Philanthropy Days of Southwest Colorado, 1998, 2002, 2006
Community Involvement - Durango, Colorado
Finalist, Durango Citizen of the Year, January 2013
Durango Independent Film Festival Executive Director mentor, 2012 - 2013
Fort Lewis College, Non Profit Leadership Classes, 2012 and 2013
Philanthropy Days of Southwest Colorado, presenter, 2010 and 2014
2010 Extraordinary Leader Award, Women’s Resource Center & Colorado Women’s Foundation, 2009
Big Brother/Big Sisters, Board training, 2009
Silent Hero, United Way of Southwest Colorado, 2006
Out on the Colorado Plateau, committee member, 2005
Outstanding Contribution to the Community, Durango Chamber of Commerce, 1996 & 2005
Leadership La Plata, 1995-1996